English to Amharic Dictionary with Translator
አማርኛ - እንግሊዝኛ መዝገበ ቃላት
This is a free and offline English Amharic Dictionary and Amharic English Dictionary Android App. The app now have Google Translator for further translation.
If you have not get any result from the dictionary, the Application gives you the option to use Google Translator to find a meaning for your word. If you click the “Search with Google” button, the Application sends your text directly to Google Translator and gives you the meaning.
You can use this dictionary when you have no internet connection. You can search in Amharic using Amharic keyboard, or by English and you will get English and Amharic Translation for every word.
Thank you for downloading,
ኦሮምኔት የሶፍትዌር እና የሞባይል አፕልኬሽን ዲቬሎፕመንት PLC ነቀምቴ ኢትዮጵያ
OROMNET Software and Application Development PLC, Nekemte, Ethiopia
አማርኛ - እንግሊዝኛ መዝገበ ቃላት
This is a free and offline English Amharic Dictionary and Amharic English Dictionary Android App. The app now have Google Translator for further translation.
If you have not get any result from the dictionary, the Application gives you the option to use Google Translator to find a meaning for your word. If you click the “Search with Google” button, the Application sends your text directly to Google Translator and gives you the meaning.
You can use this dictionary when you have no internet connection. You can search in Amharic using Amharic keyboard, or by English and you will get English and Amharic Translation for every word.
Thank you for downloading,
ኦሮምኔት የሶፍትዌር እና የሞባይል አፕልኬሽን ዲቬሎፕመንት PLC ነቀምቴ ኢትዮጵያ
OROMNET Software and Application Development PLC, Nekemte, Ethiopia
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