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NGO Brotherhood of Princes of Ostroh
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An application with flowers for traveling to the castles of the Ostoz princes. These are castles in Ostroh, Dubno, Starokostiantyniv and Stary Selo. Here is information about the architecture, legends and historical facts related to the princes. The application contains thematic quests. You can go through them at home, but we recommend solving quests with trips to the castles of the Ostroh princes. All questions are easier to solve while in the castle. During the quest you will be accompanied by the symbol of the project - the dog Bimko. Quests are available online and offline. The application was developed on the initiative of the public organization "Brotherhood named after the Princes of Ostroh" with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine. The application is created for pleasant and interesting impressions from acquaintance with the heritage of the Ostroh princes.