This application allows you to view a larger dictionaries French / Spanish of Larousse.
- A dictionary of 100,000 words and phrases
- 120,000 translations illustrating each meaning of a word
- The pronunciation of 200,000 words and sentences (requires internet connection)
- 3000 Abbreviations
- Many proverbs and idioms
- A full hypertext to easily switch from one word to another (your mobile).
- A history of recent searches
- Landscape mode, zoom, Favorites
Fast, the search is performed by entering the desired word on the keyboard mobile positioning is performed while entering the password.
Plus: The combination of all verbs (at all times and in all modes)
Quick and accessible at any time, the application is installed completely on your Android mobile and requires no Internet connection (except for the sounds).
Larousse Mobile, a whole library in your pocket!
- A dictionary of 100,000 words and phrases
- 120,000 translations illustrating each meaning of a word
- The pronunciation of 200,000 words and sentences (requires internet connection)
- 3000 Abbreviations
- Many proverbs and idioms
- A full hypertext to easily switch from one word to another (your mobile).
- A history of recent searches
- Landscape mode, zoom, Favorites
Fast, the search is performed by entering the desired word on the keyboard mobile positioning is performed while entering the password.
Plus: The combination of all verbs (at all times and in all modes)
Quick and accessible at any time, the application is installed completely on your Android mobile and requires no Internet connection (except for the sounds).
Larousse Mobile, a whole library in your pocket!
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