Pediatric Oncall Parenting app provides to you Parents all the basic and daily needed important tools!!!
All App features are completely free! However users are required to login for complete access!
App Tools:
Diseases and Conditions, Medical Calculators, Ask a Doctor, Diet and Diseases, Alternative Medicines, Vaccination Centre, Pedi Poll, Videos, Diagnostic Aid and Search Directory.
This App is connected to which is a medical website with over 40 tools for medical personnel and parents. Pediatric Oncall also provides medical information on pediatrics, symptoms, medicine and child health. Register yourself to Pediatric Oncall and access all these features.
-- Diseases and Conditions – Patient Education on various health topics.
-- Medical Calculators - More than 15 calculators which include the categories, growth, conversion, pregnancy, etc.
-- Ask a Doctor -- Pediatric Oncall’s expert panel of doctor’s answer to your medical queries and common FAQ’s.
-- Search Directory – Hospitals, Medical Colleges, Residency, NGO and Special Schools.
-- Vaccination Centre -- Articles on Immunization & Vaccine Reminder Tool to keep track of your child’s vaccination history with reminders.
-- Diagnostic Aid -- Get a differential diagnosis after entering the clinical features.
-- Pedi Poll -- Voting and reviews on the recent updates.
-- Videos -- Pediatric Oncall’s video section with lectures and conference videos.
For any queries, suggestions and feedback you can mail to us at
*Data services are required to access most sections of the application.
All App features are completely free! However users are required to login for complete access!
App Tools:
Diseases and Conditions, Medical Calculators, Ask a Doctor, Diet and Diseases, Alternative Medicines, Vaccination Centre, Pedi Poll, Videos, Diagnostic Aid and Search Directory.
This App is connected to which is a medical website with over 40 tools for medical personnel and parents. Pediatric Oncall also provides medical information on pediatrics, symptoms, medicine and child health. Register yourself to Pediatric Oncall and access all these features.
-- Diseases and Conditions – Patient Education on various health topics.
-- Medical Calculators - More than 15 calculators which include the categories, growth, conversion, pregnancy, etc.
-- Ask a Doctor -- Pediatric Oncall’s expert panel of doctor’s answer to your medical queries and common FAQ’s.
-- Search Directory – Hospitals, Medical Colleges, Residency, NGO and Special Schools.
-- Vaccination Centre -- Articles on Immunization & Vaccine Reminder Tool to keep track of your child’s vaccination history with reminders.
-- Diagnostic Aid -- Get a differential diagnosis after entering the clinical features.
-- Pedi Poll -- Voting and reviews on the recent updates.
-- Videos -- Pediatric Oncall’s video section with lectures and conference videos.
For any queries, suggestions and feedback you can mail to us at
*Data services are required to access most sections of the application.
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