Do you need wise phrases about life to think?
Reflecting is wise. In life we need moments to think and put our ideas in order. Today we present you with an application of wise phrases: phrases of those that make you reflect and that make you smarter with these short and famous reflection phrases you can put on a balance that which is really worth fighting for.
We bring you a gallery of images with phrases of wise men, positive messages to reflect, short phrases of reflection that will help you mature and smile more often.
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We wish you many successes in your life and many blessings to you and your family.
God bless you.
Reflecting is wise. In life we need moments to think and put our ideas in order. Today we present you with an application of wise phrases: phrases of those that make you reflect and that make you smarter with these short and famous reflection phrases you can put on a balance that which is really worth fighting for.
We bring you a gallery of images with phrases of wise men, positive messages to reflect, short phrases of reflection that will help you mature and smile more often.
Remember to rate this app with 5 ***** STARS and leave a nice positive comment so we will know that you liked our content and we will be motivated to continue creating more interesting applications.
If you liked the application, remember to visit more of our apps in DannielCash Apps, we have a wide variety of apps that are sure to interest you.
We wish you many successes in your life and many blessings to you and your family.
God bless you.
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