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Recipe Calorie Calculator

Phoenix Information Systems, LLC
1.6 out of 5
100+ downloads

About Recipe Calorie Calculator

Recipe Calorie Calculator is designed to allow you to enter the ingredients of a recipe and produce a ball-park figure on the per-serving calories of the dish. By selecting the individual ingredients and their amount and specifying the number of servings, the program will tally the total nutritional information and display the values for one serving of the recipe. You may also view the basic nutritional information for the total amount of each ingredient. You may save and rank any recipes you enter for later review or modification.

Recipe Calorie Calculator also gives you a searchable interface to the USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28 (NNDB), which will show you the nutritional information for the most common weight of any item in the database.

While we strive to present accurate data, the values given by this program are based on the information provided in the NNDB and may differ from actual values based on rounding and other factors. This program is not intended to be used as a medical tool or as a guide for basing health decisions. You should always consult your physician before starting any diet or exercise program.

Recipe Calorie Calculator Screenshots