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Gdzie Jest Bliski Plus

Polkomtel Sp. z o.o.
500,000+ downloads

About Gdzie Jest Bliski Plus

Where is Middle is the only application on the market that enables discrete locating and taking care of the safety of loved ones. You no longer have to worry about the next knowing they are in safe places.

Location phone
Your Middle does not answer the phone? See on the map where it is! Protected Middle agrees to locate only once. Later is not informed when the check where it is.

Receive automatic notifications
You want to know when the Middle leave school, home or work? Define the zone, where there Your Relatives. Receive automatic SMS when they reach the place or abandon them.

Make sure where was your middle
Be sure that your Middle stayed in safe places.

Respond in an emergency
Middle can easily tell you about the threat. Call S.O.S. will go to you and to all people mentioned previously. The declaration will be accompanied by a video or a photo with the location. Using notifications S.O.S. you must install the free app on the phone SOS Family Middle. Download the application:

What determines the accuracy of the locations?
We are targeting phones using three methods: GSM, GPS, WiFi, and indicate the most precise location.
- GPS (satellite location) location accuracy within 10-20 meters. To track down to within a few meters, ensure that the Middle installed and launched the application on your phone Family S.O.S. Download the application:
- GSM (location of the network operator GSM) location accuracy within 200m - 1km
- WiFi (location based on WiFi) location accuracy within 30m - 50m

Learn more:
Download the app and start to locate today!

Gdzie Jest Bliski Plus Screenshots