OFFICIAL DRIVING TESTS - with explanations for the 2023 exam questions
The application contains a FULLand UPDATEDquestion database approved by the Minister of Infrastructure and Developmentavailable during the exam at Provincial Road Traffic Centers in Poland.
By purchasing access to the application, you also get the opportunity to use the website and applications for Android and iOS phones. The best offer on the market.
All driving license categories in one app: A, A1, A2, AM, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, T
Key features:
🚘 TEST– the ability to perform driving tests with the same questions and with the same mode of operation as in the STATE EXAMINATION.
🚘 COURSE– allows you to check and learn all the questions
🚘 LECTURES– over 750 slides, animations, videos and photos that will prepare you for any situation on the road
🚘 TUTORIAL GUIDE– electronic textbook preparing for the exam - each ended with an exam
🚘 STATS– check in which direction your learning is taking shape or allows you to check all the answered questions
🚘 QUESTIONS– it will allow you to check how many times you have answered a given question correctly and will allow you to view the completed questions
🚘 TRAFFIC SIGNS– all road signs that are needed for the STATE EXAM
🚘 UPDATES– all updates are free and immediate, if the Ministry changes questions you'll be the first to know. Your database of questions will always be up to date.
The application works without the Internet. Download the questions once and you don't have to worry about accessing the Internet.
🚘 ADDITIONALLY–you have access to the largest platform preparing for the theoretical exam where you also have access to the entire website, i.e.:
★ Access to the full database of driving license questions
★ The same test as in the WORD center exam
★ Tests, Course, Student Handbook and Statistics
★ All categories: A, B, C, D, T, AM, A1, A2, B1, C1, D1
★ Explanations – each question on the site has its explanation
★ Android and iOS mobile application
★ All driver's license question updates
Start learning TODAY and pass the 2023 State Driving License Exam on the first try.