Gemotest Telemed is a platform for online medical consultations. Stay in touch with the doctor, even if it is not possible to come to the clinic. Ask questions about troubling symptoms, find out what tests or studies say. Get a "second opinion" from a competent specialist.
– Communication with a doctor from anywhere in the world at a convenient time;
– Personal data is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation;
– Reception is conducted by full-time highly qualified doctors of "Hemotest" with extensive experience in practical work.
– With Gemotest Telemed, the doctor is always in touch.
According to the law on telemedicine, during a remote consultation, a doctor does not have the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment without a prior face-to-face appointment.
– Communication with a doctor from anywhere in the world at a convenient time;
– Personal data is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation;
– Reception is conducted by full-time highly qualified doctors of "Hemotest" with extensive experience in practical work.
– With Gemotest Telemed, the doctor is always in touch.
According to the law on telemedicine, during a remote consultation, a doctor does not have the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment without a prior face-to-face appointment.
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