Access your savings and investments simply and securely with the Banco BiG app.
Not a BiG customer yet? Open your 100% Digital Account in just 15 minutes and join a bank that specializes in savings and investment.
These are just some of the functions you can find on the App:
- 100% Digital Account Opening
- Consultation of the integrated position and movements
- Time deposits consultation and subscription
- Market information
- Real-time quotes on indices, bonds, exchange rates, interest rates, bonds and commodities
- Transfers and Payment of Services
- Securities trading, order history and active orders
Do you have any comments or suggestions?
Help us improve Banco BiG's App by sending your opinion to
Not a BiG customer yet? Open your 100% Digital Account in just 15 minutes and join a bank that specializes in savings and investment.
These are just some of the functions you can find on the App:
- 100% Digital Account Opening
- Consultation of the integrated position and movements
- Time deposits consultation and subscription
- Market information
- Real-time quotes on indices, bonds, exchange rates, interest rates, bonds and commodities
- Transfers and Payment of Services
- Securities trading, order history and active orders
Do you have any comments or suggestions?
Help us improve Banco BiG's App by sending your opinion to
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