If you have a GR8 card, ask your parents to join CA Teen.
Install the App on your smartphone and ask them for the QR Code and PIN to access it.
Manage your money on a daily basis
With the CA Teen App you can check your GR8 card balance and also the movements you have made.
Charge your phone anywhere
Don't waste time at Multibanco, charge your cell phone through the CA Teen App.
Make a money order in seconds
Use the CA Teen App to ask your parents for money quickly and simply.
But wait… this is just the beginning! Very soon, new features will be available that will help you manage your day-to-day and think about your future.
Install the App on your smartphone and ask them for the QR Code and PIN to access it.
Manage your money on a daily basis
With the CA Teen App you can check your GR8 card balance and also the movements you have made.
Charge your phone anywhere
Don't waste time at Multibanco, charge your cell phone through the CA Teen App.
Make a money order in seconds
Use the CA Teen App to ask your parents for money quickly and simply.
But wait… this is just the beginning! Very soon, new features will be available that will help you manage your day-to-day and think about your future.
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