A handy tool for computing poles and zeros and plotting the pole -zero locations , given the numerator and denominator polynomial coefficients of a transfer function.
The frequency response, magnitude as well as phase are also plotted.
the format for entering the polynomial coefficients is: A(1)+A(2)z^-1+A(3)z^-2+...+A(n-1)z^-n
Caution: Since the app uses Bairstow Alogrithm for computing the roots of polynomial, the convergence cannot be guaranteed for very high order polynomials.
The frequency response, magnitude as well as phase are also plotted.
the format for entering the polynomial coefficients is: A(1)+A(2)z^-1+A(3)z^-2+...+A(n-1)z^-n
Caution: Since the app uses Bairstow Alogrithm for computing the roots of polynomial, the convergence cannot be guaranteed for very high order polynomials.
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