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Vodafone Smart Tracker

Vodafone QA
1,000+ downloads

About Vodafone Smart Tracker


Vodafone Smart Tracker mobile app allows you to locate and track the location of your important belongings. Vodafone Smart Tracker is the app for anyone who uses Vodafone Smart Trackers to keep track of things they care about like bag, backpack, travel luggage, bike, motorbike and even cars and many other personal items.

With “Vodafone Smart Tracker” app, you can:

• Create and manage assets
• Display asset location
• View asset location history
• Get location updates in case of emergency
• Share location of the asset
• Beep to find close by items easily
• Get notifications when the tracked asset arrives or leaves a certain locations with geo-fence
• Receive push notifications for battery alert
• View and change security & permissions
• Create and manage users to track common assets like family car

Vodafone Smart Tracker Screenshots