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Be Well Informed Before Purchasing

Consulting the App tool makes it possible to discover the models in the national market, in a total of 29 categories, with the best performance in terms of energy consumption, also considering other performance criteria.

The periodic updating of the Topten rankings makes it possible to make known the models recently launched on the market by the manufacturers, following the advancement of technology, in line with the growing demand of European regulations.

The consumer has relevant information for a well-informed purchase, namely the electricity and water (when applicable) that the appliances will consume and spend over their useful life. It is also possible, in any category, to make a comparison with a less efficient model, in order to be able to quantify the savings potential for investing in an equivalent model with greater efficiency.

In addition to consulting the online tool, the Topten project also has the 'Leaders in energy efficiency' Seal, which can be found in physical and online stores, as well as on the brands' websites. It is important to note that some online stores still do not display the energy label, a mandatory element according to current regulations.

How are Topten products selected?

Topten's rankings are constantly updated, with the selection of models being made through a transparent and independent process. Model data is collected from manufacturers' websites and catalogues, complemented through the direct exchange of information with them.
The applied criteria are defined at European level, based on science and legislation, and are also available for consultation on the portal. From this base, the best models for sale in Portugal are chosen for each category, whose data are, whenever possible, confirmed by the respective brands. is part of the Topten Hacks project, funded by the European Union's Research and Innovation Framework Program - H2020 (subsidy no. 845231) and brings together 14 countries.

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The contents of this portal are the sole responsibility of their authors. These do not necessarily reflect European Union opinion. Neither CINEA, nor the European Commission, nor the partners of this project are responsible for the use that may be given to the information presented here. Screenshots