Now you too can have your Raven Diesel Scanner on your Android Tablet.
All functions that you already know are also available for Android, including:
Graphics -Visualization up to 4 simultaneous readings
-code ECU
-View And erase faults, including descriptions of fault codes
-Atuadores, Adjustments, tests, Schedules and Procedures
-Visualization Electrical Diagrams
Note: the functions provided by the Scanner vary according to the selected system.
Use of this application requires the Raven Scanner Diesel communication module.
All functions that you already know are also available for Android, including:
Graphics -Visualization up to 4 simultaneous readings
-code ECU
-View And erase faults, including descriptions of fault codes
-Atuadores, Adjustments, tests, Schedules and Procedures
-Visualization Electrical Diagrams
Note: the functions provided by the Scanner vary according to the selected system.
Use of this application requires the Raven Scanner Diesel communication module.
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