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About 溫瑞安繁體

This is Wen Ruian software, and the representative works are Li Buyi, the god of the gods, the hero of the state, the four famous arrests, the cold water, the general, the capital, the cold blood of the young, the iron hand, the chasing, the ruthless, the skull painting, the battle of the king, and the dragon. Snake, Breaking Gun, Shaking Guandong, Heating, Murdering Heartbeat, Ye Mengse, Bu Tianwei, Divine Doctor Lai Yao, Cui Yumei, Daoba Ji, Tang Fang's First Battle, Blood River Cha, Great Master, Happy Travel, Health Master , In this world, Xia Shao, Sword Qi Yangtze River, Heroes of Guangdong and Guangxi, Picturesque Country, Heroes, Roaming Rivers and Lakes, Divine Invincible, Lonely Master, Snow in the World, Demon Red, Miserable Green, Vertical and Horizontal, Chasing and Killing, Talking Pavilion, Broken Dream knife, big battle, blooming flowers, catching mice and tigers, monkey moon

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