Simple tool which allows to read VAT information of Romanian companies based on their unique registration code (CUI, CIF). Information is read from ANAF's public webservice and stored in a local list.
Registration code can be introduced manually from keyboard, or is read from pictures. Pictures are taken by the camera or taken from gallery.
Any company stored in the local list can be deleted by dragging and shifting them left or right.
Companies stored in the local list can be shared as an Excel file and used in other applications.
In this way, invoices received from partners can be scanned and their VAT information can be displayed.
Is a useful tool for safety in billing operations.
This is an evaluation version.
Allows storing a maxim number of 3 companies in the local list.
FMTools Pro is the unlimited version of the application.
Este un utilitar simplu care permite citirea informatiilor legate de TVA pentru firmele inregistrate in Romania, prin transmiterea codului unic de inregistrare (CUI, CIF). Informatiile sunt citite de pe serviciul web pus la dispozitie de ANAF.
Codul de inregistrare fie se introduce manual de la tastatura, fie sunt extrase din imagini.
Imaginile pot fi fotografiate cu camera incorporata sau luate din galeria.
Astfel pot fi scanate facturile primite de la parteneri si citite datele lor referitoare la TVA.
Este un program util pentru verificarea operatiilor in activitatea de facturare.
Acesta este o versiune de evaluare.
Numarul maxim de societati din lista locala este limitat la 3.
FMTools Pro este versiunea fara limitari!
Simple tool which allows to read VAT information of Romanian companies based on their unique registration code (CUI, CIF). Information is read from ANAF's public webservice and stored in a local list.
Registration code can be introduced manually from keyboard, or is read from pictures. Pictures are taken by the camera or taken from gallery.
Any company stored in the local list can be deleted by dragging and shifting them left or right.
Companies stored in the local list can be shared as an Excel file and used in other applications.
In this way, invoices received from partners can be scanned and their VAT information can be displayed.
Is a useful tool for safety in billing operations.
This is an evaluation version.
Allows storing a maxim number of 3 companies in the local list.
FMTools Pro is the unlimited version of the application.
Este un utilitar simplu care permite citirea informatiilor legate de TVA pentru firmele inregistrate in Romania, prin transmiterea codului unic de inregistrare (CUI, CIF). Informatiile sunt citite de pe serviciul web pus la dispozitie de ANAF.
Codul de inregistrare fie se introduce manual de la tastatura, fie sunt extrase din imagini.
Imaginile pot fi fotografiate cu camera incorporata sau luate din galeria.
Astfel pot fi scanate facturile primite de la parteneri si citite datele lor referitoare la TVA.
Este un program util pentru verificarea operatiilor in activitatea de facturare.
Acesta este o versiune de evaluare.
Numarul maxim de societati din lista locala este limitat la 3.
FMTools Pro este versiunea fara limitari!
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