Charades is a dynamic word game.
You have to find a word based on some clues.
According to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language, "Şarada" is an enigma in verses made up of several fragments representing independent words, which, joined together, give a new word. From the French CHARADE.
The present charades are generally of four lines:
- the first gives the key for the first part of the release,
- the second verse for the second part,
- verses 3 and 4 say something about the word made up of joining the two previously discovered.
For example, having the charade with the structure 5+4:
Reward for (pile)
Uncle Vasile's daughter
It is at the beginning of life
Otherwise, if it thaws!
Disengagement is "spring".
- the first word is of 5 letters and has the key in the first line: "prima";
- the second word is of 4 letters and has the key in the second line: "summer";
- the word resulting from the joining of the two, thus of 9 letters, has the key in verses 3 and 4: "spring".
Currently there are approximately 2000 charades composed especially by Ghiță Potra over several years.
The program has many options such as: enable/disable sounds, speak to improve accessibility, keep screen active, shake for another charade, change font size, choose preferred structure for charades, propose new charade, view authors.
At the bottom of the screen are buttons for try (Done), another charade (Alta), hints (Hint) and information (Info).
If the Tip button is pressed, the following will be suggested in turn:
- the first letter of the first word,
- the first letter of the second word and finally
- the first whole word.
In case certain characters that have been suggested are already discovered through the test, other letters from the solution will be revealed at the clues.
If the release is not found, the answer is displayed when the Info button is long pressed; in this case, the grade received is minimum (3).
The game also has a scoring system, you start with a score of 10, and two points are deducted for each request for help.
A point is deducted for a wrong attempt.
The minimum grade is 3.
The overall average is also calculated, by pressing the Info button you can find out the number of charades untied over time, the overall average, information about the structure and the author.
The game does not need internet connection, it can be played offline.
You have to find a word based on some clues.
According to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language, "Şarada" is an enigma in verses made up of several fragments representing independent words, which, joined together, give a new word. From the French CHARADE.
The present charades are generally of four lines:
- the first gives the key for the first part of the release,
- the second verse for the second part,
- verses 3 and 4 say something about the word made up of joining the two previously discovered.
For example, having the charade with the structure 5+4:
Reward for (pile)
Uncle Vasile's daughter
It is at the beginning of life
Otherwise, if it thaws!
Disengagement is "spring".
- the first word is of 5 letters and has the key in the first line: "prima";
- the second word is of 4 letters and has the key in the second line: "summer";
- the word resulting from the joining of the two, thus of 9 letters, has the key in verses 3 and 4: "spring".
Currently there are approximately 2000 charades composed especially by Ghiță Potra over several years.
The program has many options such as: enable/disable sounds, speak to improve accessibility, keep screen active, shake for another charade, change font size, choose preferred structure for charades, propose new charade, view authors.
At the bottom of the screen are buttons for try (Done), another charade (Alta), hints (Hint) and information (Info).
If the Tip button is pressed, the following will be suggested in turn:
- the first letter of the first word,
- the first letter of the second word and finally
- the first whole word.
In case certain characters that have been suggested are already discovered through the test, other letters from the solution will be revealed at the clues.
If the release is not found, the answer is displayed when the Info button is long pressed; in this case, the grade received is minimum (3).
The game also has a scoring system, you start with a score of 10, and two points are deducted for each request for help.
A point is deducted for a wrong attempt.
The minimum grade is 3.
The overall average is also calculated, by pressing the Info button you can find out the number of charades untied over time, the overall average, information about the structure and the author.
The game does not need internet connection, it can be played offline.
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