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Vodafone Tracking Solution

Vodafone România
1,000+ downloads

About Vodafone Tracking Solution

Vodafone Tracking Solution is a complex GPS tracking and monitoring solution for any type of stationary or moving object.
The platform can be adapted to any field of activity, being essentially a complete system for managing fleets by GPS.
The mobile application is easy to use and offers access to the following features:
- View the current location of the vehicles on the map;
- Detailed information on the last known location of the vehicle (including address, date and time, speed);
- Viewing the route on the map
- Vehicle Activity Summary;
- Notifications in the interface.
In-app access is based on a valid Vodafone Tracking Solution account.
If you do not have an active subscription and you are interested, please contact us at iot.team_ro@vodafone.com.

Vodafone Tracking Solution Screenshots