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Rojgar Samachar रोजगार समाचार

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About Rojgar Samachar रोजगार समाचार

Rojgar Samachar app Provide detailed information and notification of the Latest Online Forms, job Exams, Admit Card, Results, Answer Key, Admission & other various posts.

Rojgar Samachar Hindi app (रोजगार समाचार) updates for knowledge purpose Information like UPSC Jobs, SSC Exams, UPPSC Jobs Details, Indian Army Vacancy Details, Navy Vacancy Information, Free Job Alert, etc

Rojgar Samachar Hindi app (रोजगार समाचार) gives you information about Government & Private jobs from all over India. This app provides complete information regarding govt jobs in all the major Government sectors with Updates. It is speedy and easy to use with push notifications.

Trending Jobs highlight is also given on the home page. You can also connect to Sarkari Result on social media through the app.

We cover almost every govt job from 10th pass, 12th pass, ETT, Graduated, Post Graduated, ITI Diploma, CA / CS, LLB/ LLM, B.ed, BTech / MTech, MBBS/MD. It covers govt job for freshers as well as experienced professionals...

Rojgar Samachar app (रोजगार समाचार) app Provide detailed information and notification of the Latest Online Forms, job Exams, Admit Card, Results, Answer Key, Admission & other various posts.

रोजगार समाचार हिंदी एप (Rojgar Samachar Hindi app) आपको सभी प्रकार की वर्तमान रोजगार सूचना प्रदान करता है| इस रोजगार समाचार एंड्राइड एप के जरिये आप घर बैठे पूरे भारत में हर राज्य में निकलने वाली Sarkari Naukri (सरकारी नौकरी), की सम्पूर्ण सूचना सबसे पहले प्राप्त कर सकते है, इस रोजगार एप (Rojgar App) पर सभी राज्यों की, हर शहर के, एवं नौकरी के प्रकार से नौकरी की जानकारी प्रदान की जाती है| यह एप प्रतिदिन अपडेट होता है, और सही जानकारी जैसे पद की संख्या, योग्यता एवं ऑनलाइन आवेदन लिंक दिखाता है|

कैरियर पसंद छात्रों की पसंदीदा एप Rojgar Samachar (रोजगार समाचार), हर राज्य एवं केंद्र रोजगार समाचार को सीधे आप तक एप के माध्यम से पहुचाता है| पदों की संख्या , परीक्षा शुल्क, भर्त शुल्क, भर्ती के प्रक्रिया विस्तृत जानकारी सही सही देता है|

Source of Information:- We Collect all the Information from Employment News / Organization Official Websites. We cannot provide all but some of the websites links are below:-


Rojgar Samachar Android App does not have any connection with the Government and does not belong to or represent any Government entity.

The Examination Results / Marks published in this App is only for the immediate Information to the Candidates and does not to be a constitute to be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this App as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept in the Examination Results / Marks being published in this App and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect or Inaccuracy of the Information on this App.

All the Readers please also check the details on the Original website before taking any decision. Here we are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the information being published on this app and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Application

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