Install Voice Phone Tools and receive everything without touching it. Give your phone talk. Voice Phone Tools makes your phone talk. Provides voice alerts/notifications for phone calls, text messages, clock, battery, apps and reminders.
Incoming phone calls:Know who is calling without reaching out for your phone. Voice Phone Tools can read out the caller name or number.
Text Messages / SMS: Reads out sender name and optionally the text message content
Clock:Get super productive by keeping a constant watch on time. Period time announcements. Custom messages can be added before and after time announcements
Apps:Hear notifications posted by apps. You can select the apps which you want to hear.
Battery:Get low battery warnings. Avoid over charging by getting battery charge full alert. Get charging progress.
Voice Reminders: Stop procrastinating. Audible reminders which can be set to repeat reminds you until the job is done.
- Control Notification
- Manage App and their notification
- Add multi voice reminders
- Silent configurable night hours
- Notify only when headset is plugged
• Accessibility Service: This app uses Accessibility services to show voice access view on screen.
Incoming phone calls:Know who is calling without reaching out for your phone. Voice Phone Tools can read out the caller name or number.
Text Messages / SMS: Reads out sender name and optionally the text message content
Clock:Get super productive by keeping a constant watch on time. Period time announcements. Custom messages can be added before and after time announcements
Apps:Hear notifications posted by apps. You can select the apps which you want to hear.
Battery:Get low battery warnings. Avoid over charging by getting battery charge full alert. Get charging progress.
Voice Reminders: Stop procrastinating. Audible reminders which can be set to repeat reminds you until the job is done.
- Control Notification
- Manage App and their notification
- Add multi voice reminders
- Silent configurable night hours
- Notify only when headset is plugged
• Accessibility Service: This app uses Accessibility services to show voice access view on screen.
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