Best Mobile App for Investors according to Markswebb, 2021 (among Management Companies).
Invest without experience! Choose the direction of investment and professional managers will do everything for you
We make investments affordable. Start investing from 100 rubles
Investments with Alfa Capital are simple:
• No experience required. You do not need to understand the intricacies of the stock market. The stock market pros will do everything for you
• Save money. A balanced portfolio of various securities and instruments, even with a minimum investment of 100 rubles.
• Relevance. Investments in Russian and foreign markets
Become an investor in the Alfa Capital app in a couple of steps:
1. confirm your identity (through or by filling in the data)
2. sign the contract online
3. top up your account
Application features:
• Investments in mutual funds (UIFs) and trust management strategies (DM), IIS
• Analytics and reporting on the investor's portfolio
• News and video reviews from analysts and managers
• Operations history
• Online support and personal investment consultant
• Setting up "Auto payments"
• Strategies for qualified investors
• Large selection of investment strategies (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds)
Alfa Capital Management Company has an exceptionally high / highest level of reliability and quality of services at the level of A++ according to the Expert RA scale.
Alfa Capital investment company 30 years on the market, manages assets of more than 873.8 billion ₽ We are trusted by 1.5 million clients. >
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Full information:
OOO MC "Alfa-Capital". License for the management of investment funds, unit investment funds (UIF) and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00028 dated 09/22/1998. issued by the FFMS of Russia. License to carry out securities management activities No. 077-08158-001000, issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on November 30, 2004. OPEIF of market financial instruments (RFI) Alfa Capital Liquid shares. Trust Management Rules (PDU) No. 0387-78483850 reg. FFMS of Russia 18.08.2005. The increase in the estimated value of the investment unit (RSIP) of the open-ended investment fund RFI "Alfa Capital Liquid shares" as of 28.06.19. for 3 months: 11.34%, for 6 months: 15.25%, 1 year: 23.97%, 3 years: 71.21%. OPIF RFI Alfa Capital Eurobonds. PDU No. 0386-78483614 registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 18, 2005. Increase in RSIP OPIF of market financial instruments Alfa Capital Liquid shares as of 28.06.19. 3 months: 0.24%, 6 months: -2.16%, 1 year: 11.28%%, 3 years: 12.10%. OPEIF RFI Alfa Capital Bonds Plus. PDU No. 0095-59893492 registered with the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on 03/21/2003. PDUs of mutual funds managed by Alfa-Capital Management Company LLC provide for premiums to RIP when they are issued and discounts to RIP when they are redeemed. The collection of discounts and surcharges reduces the profitability of investments in investment units of mutual funds. The value of investment units may increase and decrease, the results of investing in the past do not determine future income, the state does not guarantee the profitability of investments in investment funds. Before acquiring an investment share, please read the MIF PDU. Detailed information about Alfa Capital Management LLC: 123001, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 32, bldg. It does not constitute individual investment advice. Mentioned financial instruments may not be suitable for the respective client
Invest without experience! Choose the direction of investment and professional managers will do everything for you
We make investments affordable. Start investing from 100 rubles
Investments with Alfa Capital are simple:
• No experience required. You do not need to understand the intricacies of the stock market. The stock market pros will do everything for you
• Save money. A balanced portfolio of various securities and instruments, even with a minimum investment of 100 rubles.
• Relevance. Investments in Russian and foreign markets
Become an investor in the Alfa Capital app in a couple of steps:
1. confirm your identity (through or by filling in the data)
2. sign the contract online
3. top up your account
Application features:
• Investments in mutual funds (UIFs) and trust management strategies (DM), IIS
• Analytics and reporting on the investor's portfolio
• News and video reviews from analysts and managers
• Operations history
• Online support and personal investment consultant
• Setting up "Auto payments"
• Strategies for qualified investors
• Large selection of investment strategies (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds)
Alfa Capital Management Company has an exceptionally high / highest level of reliability and quality of services at the level of A++ according to the Expert RA scale.
Alfa Capital investment company 30 years on the market, manages assets of more than 873.8 billion ₽ We are trusted by 1.5 million clients. >
Send suggestions and comments to
Full information:
OOO MC "Alfa-Capital". License for the management of investment funds, unit investment funds (UIF) and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00028 dated 09/22/1998. issued by the FFMS of Russia. License to carry out securities management activities No. 077-08158-001000, issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on November 30, 2004. OPEIF of market financial instruments (RFI) Alfa Capital Liquid shares. Trust Management Rules (PDU) No. 0387-78483850 reg. FFMS of Russia 18.08.2005. The increase in the estimated value of the investment unit (RSIP) of the open-ended investment fund RFI "Alfa Capital Liquid shares" as of 28.06.19. for 3 months: 11.34%, for 6 months: 15.25%, 1 year: 23.97%, 3 years: 71.21%. OPIF RFI Alfa Capital Eurobonds. PDU No. 0386-78483614 registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 18, 2005. Increase in RSIP OPIF of market financial instruments Alfa Capital Liquid shares as of 28.06.19. 3 months: 0.24%, 6 months: -2.16%, 1 year: 11.28%%, 3 years: 12.10%. OPEIF RFI Alfa Capital Bonds Plus. PDU No. 0095-59893492 registered with the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on 03/21/2003. PDUs of mutual funds managed by Alfa-Capital Management Company LLC provide for premiums to RIP when they are issued and discounts to RIP when they are redeemed. The collection of discounts and surcharges reduces the profitability of investments in investment units of mutual funds. The value of investment units may increase and decrease, the results of investing in the past do not determine future income, the state does not guarantee the profitability of investments in investment funds. Before acquiring an investment share, please read the MIF PDU. Detailed information about Alfa Capital Management LLC: 123001, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 32, bldg. It does not constitute individual investment advice. Mentioned financial instruments may not be suitable for the respective client
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