Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2011 N 3-FZ "On Police" 2011 (audiobook in mp3 format)
In the version of 3 July 2016.
It entered into force on 4 July 2016. (Valid).
The law "On Police" 2016 audio version consists of 11 parts, each file - a separate chapter in mp3 format.
Flow rate: 128kbit / s
Data collected: 97Mb
Archiver: Zip
Class sound: I (clear announcer's voice, a slight background noise).
Data collected: 89Mb
This application allows you to quickly learn the law, memorize it, or remember it.
It is useful for students or pupils, and for the existing police, attorneys, lawyers and all those who want to learn the law on audiobook.
To listen to each chapter only need to select the title you want and press "Play" button.
Listen without straining, we remember forever.
Attention! App is updated! When the output changes to the law, the law of the article will be updated at least once a year.
It contains no advertising!
In the version of 3 July 2016.
It entered into force on 4 July 2016. (Valid).
The law "On Police" 2016 audio version consists of 11 parts, each file - a separate chapter in mp3 format.
Flow rate: 128kbit / s
Data collected: 97Mb
Archiver: Zip
Class sound: I (clear announcer's voice, a slight background noise).
Data collected: 89Mb
This application allows you to quickly learn the law, memorize it, or remember it.
It is useful for students or pupils, and for the existing police, attorneys, lawyers and all those who want to learn the law on audiobook.
To listen to each chapter only need to select the title you want and press "Play" button.
Listen without straining, we remember forever.
Attention! App is updated! When the output changes to the law, the law of the article will be updated at least once a year.
It contains no advertising!
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