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РСА проверить КБМ скидка ОСАГО

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About РСА проверить КБМ скидка ОСАГО

Check the discount for OSAGO (KBM) online through our application, the information is loaded from the official database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers

Applications allows:
- To find out the discount on OSAGO, for clarification, you will need to indicate your full name, date of birth, series and number of the VU

- Restore KBM - If your coefficient was reset to zero, or insurance agents provided incorrect data, we will help you send an application to the PCA for a refund of the discount.

- Transfer the bonus malus coefficient to a new driver's license - if you have replaced the rights, simply transfer the information from the previous VU to the new one

- History of the bonus malus coefficient - complete history from 2013 on the current and previous driver's license

- Help from the current level of bonus malus - help in PDF format that will show the current CBM, required by insurance agents in case you have applied the wrong CBM.

What is KBM?

This is an important coefficient for each driver, the bonus malus coefficient confirms the driver's driving without accidents, such a driver is provided with OSAGO cheaper by PCA (insurance companies). The amount of the discount depends on how many years the driver does not get into an accident on a car that has a issued OSAGO policy.

How to find out your KBM?

Checking the KBM is available to any citizen free of charge online. You can find out KBM if you fill in the fields: full name, date of birth, series and number of VU. It is also possible to find out the value of KBM when applying for OSAGO online, as a rule, the system automatically pulls up your coefficient value.

How is the coefficient calculated?

Every year, to be more precise on April 1, the driver is given a new calculation, which happens for the period from 04/01/2021 to 04/01/2022, this happens annually. If the driver gets into an emergency, his price for OSAGO increases, while the discount decreases. The maximum discount for OSAGO is 65%, it is applied to drivers who insure the car for 10 years and do not get into accidents, in which case KBM 0.5 is applied. When calculating OSAGO, there is also an increased coefficient, it is applied if the driver gets into an accident, the maximum increase in price can reach 145% of the cost of OSAGO, such an extra charge is valid at KBM 2.45

How to restore KBM?

You can restore through the insurance company with which you have concluded a compulsory OSAGO insurance contract, you can also contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a complaint - if the restoration through the insurance company did not help you. The fastest and easiest way to restore the OSAGO discount is to send an application in the application, to do this, fill out the forms and send the application to work, the restoration is completed within 24 hours on average. Many want to try recovery through public services, but unfortunately there is no such service in public services.

How to restore the coefficient for free?

To restore the discount on your own and free of charge, you will need to contact the insurance company with an application, a sample application will be issued to you at the insurance company, the consideration period depends on the insurance company, unfortunately this method rarely guarantees a full recovery, the insurance history is considered only for one insurance company, for a complete Recovery is recommended to apply in the application.

The average period for transferring a discount to a new VU and restoring it is 24 hours, the maximum period is 7 business days. Payment for the application only for the result, if the discount is not restored, the service guarantees a full refund!

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