Application for first responders, works with the ARM ARC "Aegis-3."
• Releasing the operator from having a voice call RRG, resulting in reduced time to transmit information
• Reduced time to respond to the challenge groups
• Showing the complete text and graphic information on the location of the object
• Building a route to the object
• Graphic display of the plan of the object and location of the alarm
• Prompt provision of information to the operator about the status of PCO connection with each RRG
• Track operator CCR group location on the map area to identify the nearest vehicle to an alarming object of protection
• Automated transfer of RRT report on the results of action on the subject of protection
• The possibility of failure without the need of leaving a voice call in case of force majeure
• Releasing the operator from having a voice call RRG, resulting in reduced time to transmit information
• Reduced time to respond to the challenge groups
• Showing the complete text and graphic information on the location of the object
• Building a route to the object
• Graphic display of the plan of the object and location of the alarm
• Prompt provision of information to the operator about the status of PCO connection with each RRG
• Track operator CCR group location on the map area to identify the nearest vehicle to an alarming object of protection
• Automated transfer of RRT report on the results of action on the subject of protection
• The possibility of failure without the need of leaving a voice call in case of force majeure
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