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About Ka-Ching

Keep track of your spendings on each credit card. Add your credit card type, give it a sticky name. Add bills with their common features like category, online, retail or contactless. Cashback Ka-Ching will display the spendings on each card during the cashback qualifying period.

You can purchase the cashback optimizer subscription and get the following:

• know the cashback qualifying period of each card;

• monitor the accumulated and potential cashbacks where applicable;

• have oversight over the spending targets to maximize the cashback;

• choose the credit card with the highest cashback.

The cashback optimizer knows the cashback qualifying periods, bill payment details. It uses "traffic lights" to inform you of the already accumulated, or potential cashbacks. It also informs you if the credit card doesn't qualify for cashbacks anymore due to the low spendings.

Having clear oversight allows you to use your credit cards in most optimal way.

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