Smart credit card selection for financially literate people!
A credit card is the most convenient financial instrument that helps you borrow money from a bank without paying interest during the grace period.
A credit card is much better and cheaper than a microloan, you can not pay money to the bank at all.
Some credit cards can be cashed out without commission (Alfa Bank credit card 100 days without interest)
The Credit Cards Online application will help you get a credit card in case of salary delays.
It will help you choose a card with a free cash withdrawal from an ATM or a large grace period.
Credit card categories
Here you will find the following categories of credit cards
1. With free cash withdrawal
2. With a long grace period (up to 100 days)
3. Installment cards
4. Cards for which cash withdrawals are subject to a grace period
5. Cards with high cashback.
Download the Credit Card application online and you will be able to select and issue a card.
Application features
The application has a simple and convenient interface that allows
1. Quickly and easily sort cards by rate, credit limit and cashback.
2. View detailed conditions on the card and proceed to card processing
3. Calculate installments
4. Calculate monthly payments
The app will help you find out what credit limit you will be approved for.
Use the credit limit calculator, enter your income and expenses, select a card.
The application will show what your possible credit limit on this card will be.
👍 Ability to select cards according to various parameters.
👍 Handy card calculator
Possible credit limit calculator based on your income and expenses.
💰 Loan conditions:
- Credit limit up to 1 million rubles at 0% subject to the terms of the grace period and timely repayment
- minimum repayment period - 61 days;
- maximum repayment period - 1095 days (credit card validity period);
- Interest rate on loans issued in the form of a credit limit from 12% to 30% per annum (TCA), no commissions
💰 Loan calculation example:
Calculation example: for a loan on a Tinkoff card in the amount of 100,000 rubles for 1095 days or 3 years for
at a rate of 22% per annum, the amount of payment once a month will be up to 8334.1 rubles, the amount to be returned is 130,212.28 rubles. interest - 30,212.28 rubles.
💰 Consequences of non-payment: In case of violation of the deadlines, the amount of the penalty is 590 rubles + 1% per annum of the amount of delay
💰 In case of a long delay in payment, the information will be transferred to the CBI.
Loan extension is possible with timely repayment of the debt during the grace period. There is no fee for renewal of the loan.
Only organizations that have a valid license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are represented in the "Credit Cards Online" application:
List of organizations, license numbers and addresses:
LLC "Home Credit and Finance Bank" Person No. 1027700280937 125040, Moscow, Pravdy street, 8, building 1
PJSC Sovcombank Lit. No. 963 156000, Kostroma Region, Kostroma, Tekstilshchikov Avenue, 46
PJSC KB Vostochny Person No. 1460 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk, per. St. Innocent, 1
JSC Tinkoff Bank Lit. No. 2673 Moscow, 123060, 1st Volokolamsky proezd, 10, building 1
JSC OTP Bank Person No. 2766 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe highway, 16A, building 1.
JSC Alfa-Bank Person No. 1326 107078, Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 27
CB Renaissance Credit Person No. 3354 115114, Moscow, st. Kozhevnicheskaya, 14
JSC CB Citibank Lic. No. 2557 125047, Moscow, st. Gashek, d. 810
PJSC Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Lit. No. 429 620014, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 67
AO Raiffeisenbank Lit. No. 3292 129090, Moscow, Troitskaya st., 17, building 1
AirLoans Person No. Moscow, 123317 Presnenskaya emb. 8, p.1
JSC Bank Russian Standard Lit. No. 2289 105187, Moscow, st. Weaving, 36
A credit card is the most convenient financial instrument that helps you borrow money from a bank without paying interest during the grace period.
A credit card is much better and cheaper than a microloan, you can not pay money to the bank at all.
Some credit cards can be cashed out without commission (Alfa Bank credit card 100 days without interest)
The Credit Cards Online application will help you get a credit card in case of salary delays.
It will help you choose a card with a free cash withdrawal from an ATM or a large grace period.
Credit card categories
Here you will find the following categories of credit cards
1. With free cash withdrawal
2. With a long grace period (up to 100 days)
3. Installment cards
4. Cards for which cash withdrawals are subject to a grace period
5. Cards with high cashback.
Download the Credit Card application online and you will be able to select and issue a card.
Application features
The application has a simple and convenient interface that allows
1. Quickly and easily sort cards by rate, credit limit and cashback.
2. View detailed conditions on the card and proceed to card processing
3. Calculate installments
4. Calculate monthly payments
The app will help you find out what credit limit you will be approved for.
Use the credit limit calculator, enter your income and expenses, select a card.
The application will show what your possible credit limit on this card will be.
👍 Ability to select cards according to various parameters.
👍 Handy card calculator
Possible credit limit calculator based on your income and expenses.
💰 Loan conditions:
- Credit limit up to 1 million rubles at 0% subject to the terms of the grace period and timely repayment
- minimum repayment period - 61 days;
- maximum repayment period - 1095 days (credit card validity period);
- Interest rate on loans issued in the form of a credit limit from 12% to 30% per annum (TCA), no commissions
💰 Loan calculation example:
Calculation example: for a loan on a Tinkoff card in the amount of 100,000 rubles for 1095 days or 3 years for
at a rate of 22% per annum, the amount of payment once a month will be up to 8334.1 rubles, the amount to be returned is 130,212.28 rubles. interest - 30,212.28 rubles.
💰 Consequences of non-payment: In case of violation of the deadlines, the amount of the penalty is 590 rubles + 1% per annum of the amount of delay
💰 In case of a long delay in payment, the information will be transferred to the CBI.
Loan extension is possible with timely repayment of the debt during the grace period. There is no fee for renewal of the loan.
Only organizations that have a valid license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are represented in the "Credit Cards Online" application:
List of organizations, license numbers and addresses:
LLC "Home Credit and Finance Bank" Person No. 1027700280937 125040, Moscow, Pravdy street, 8, building 1
PJSC Sovcombank Lit. No. 963 156000, Kostroma Region, Kostroma, Tekstilshchikov Avenue, 46
PJSC KB Vostochny Person No. 1460 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk, per. St. Innocent, 1
JSC Tinkoff Bank Lit. No. 2673 Moscow, 123060, 1st Volokolamsky proezd, 10, building 1
JSC OTP Bank Person No. 2766 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe highway, 16A, building 1.
JSC Alfa-Bank Person No. 1326 107078, Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 27
CB Renaissance Credit Person No. 3354 115114, Moscow, st. Kozhevnicheskaya, 14
JSC CB Citibank Lic. No. 2557 125047, Moscow, st. Gashek, d. 810
PJSC Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Lit. No. 429 620014, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 67
AO Raiffeisenbank Lit. No. 3292 129090, Moscow, Troitskaya st., 17, building 1
AirLoans Person No. Moscow, 123317 Presnenskaya emb. 8, p.1
JSC Bank Russian Standard Lit. No. 2289 105187, Moscow, st. Weaving, 36
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