Кампус - Расписание занятий icon

Кампус - Расписание занятий

Ryabushko inc.
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About Кампус - Расписание занятий

The class schedule is always at hand and in a convenient format.

• "Campus" will be useful for everyone:
a student to visit couples without a pass;
a student for study and preparation for admission;
teacher to conduct assigned lessons/couples.

• Detailed daily schedule
In the lesson card you will find: the name of the subject, the format of the lessons, the time, the name of the teacher, the number of the audience or the place where the classes are held.

• Widget on home screen
The current schedule of couples is now in quick access without the Internet and entering the application. Let study be without omissions and delays.

• Rating and reviews of university professors from all over Russia
In the "Reviews" section, you can find a teacher and see his grades. Rate your favorite teachers of your university and leave feedback.

• Daily schedule available online or offline. Your study is under reliable control!

• Didn't find your university in Campus? Write to us! If you are a representative of an educational institution and would like to join our project, please contact us by email. mail dewish.ru@gmail.com, we are always online. We will offer you different conditions, including free ones.

Educational institutions that have already joined the Campus project.

ASTU - Astrakhan State Technical University

Altai State University - Altai State University
AltSTU - Altai State Technical University named after A.I. I. I. Polzunova

VSUES - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

USPU — Ural State Pedagogical University
USUE — Ural State University of Economics

BSU — Baikal State University

KFU — Kazan Federal University

MIIGAiK — Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
RGUNG - Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin
MPU - Moscow Polytechnic University
NRNU MEPhI — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
NUST MISIS — National Research Technological University
MSUPU - Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
PRUE — Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
RSSU - Russian State Social University
Financial University — Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
MGUPP - Moscow State University of Food Production
MGUU - Moscow City University of Management
MGIMO — Moscow State Institute of International Relations
RGGU - Russian State University for the Humanities
MSTU im. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman

NSUEM - Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
NSTU - Novosibirsk State Technical University
Sibstrin - Novosibirsk State Architectural and Construction Institute
NSU — Novosibirsk State University
SIU RANEPA - Siberian Institute of Management
SGUPS - Siberian State Transport University
SibUPK - Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation
SGUVT - Siberian State University of Water Transport
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts

SRSPU (NPI) — Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

OmSTU - Omsk State Technical University
SibADI - Siberian State Automobile and Road University

St. Petersburg:
PSPbGMU - First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. I. P. Pavlova

TPU — Tomsk Polytechnic University
TGASU - Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
TUSUR – Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

TIU — Tyumen Industrial University

BSU - Buryat State University

Кампус - Расписание занятий Screenshots

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