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Герои Победы

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About Герои Победы

Posters of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 became a huge contribution of Soviet artists to the treasury of the world artistic heritage of the 20th century.

The main distinguishing feature of the exhibition is the use of augmented reality (AR), which makes it possible to connect the real world and the digital environment.

To immerse the visitor of the exhibition into the atmosphere of wartime, to show firsthand the heroes of the Victory, people who gave all their strength, and sometimes their lives, in the struggle for our present.

The exhibition consists of 10 posters, among which there are the most famous, printed in thousands of copies, and posters, less known to the general public.

Augmented Reality (AR) technology opens up a fundamentally new level of human interaction with the digital world, which plays an increasingly important role in the lives of people and, especially, young people.

About how the application works:

(1) If you are in one of the places where posters are displayed on posters or stands in public places, then use the application on your device to view posters in augmented reality

(2) If there is no Heroes of Victory exhibition in your region, or it has already ended, then download the electronic version of the posters (.pdf format) from the website https://eligovision.ru/media/upload/geroipobedi_posters.pdf and print them for viewing.

(3) Point your device camera at the posters from the Heroes of Victory exhibition, marked with a special “AR“ icon. If you are using an electronic version of the poster, then point the gadget's camera at the screen of the device on which the poster is displayed. Avoid glare!

Герои Победы Screenshots