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Талмуд Шаббат

Progressiv Digital Inc.
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About Талмуд Шаббат

What is the Sabbath? The Russian language is - "to stop all kinds of activities," or "to be alone." And it happens on Saturday, the seventh day nedeli.Subbota - big religious holiday for the people of Israel. The Talmud (Hebrew Studies.) - a multi-volume set of legal and religious and ethical regulations of Judaism. Mishna (Hebrew repetition.) - Talmud base portion. Each treatise of the Talmud consists of the Mishnah and its interpretation - Gemary.V application contain the chapters: Types of prohibited items in the transfer Saturday from private ownership to public and vice versa. Work banned on Friday to sunset. Shabbat laws established at a meeting in the upper room of Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garona.Osveschenie; quenching ognya.Sposoby heating pischi.Subbotny rest animals; what parts of the harness can be left on the toilet zhivotnom.Pravila regarding subjects Saturday; It prohibited the wearing of such items, which can cause them to lift or carry in your hands. Clothing, jewelry, amulets and other toilet articles, resolved to be worn on Saturday and prochee.Esli you make a purchase, but it does not meet your expectations, turned out to be unnecessary or something is not working properly, request a refund on Google Play.