Navigation on social services available to residents of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.
Allows you to search for available social services and measures of social support, depending on the user's life situation.
For each of the services, detailed information is available, contact details of the places of receiving the service, navigation to the places of receiving the service using the map application in the mobile phone.
Contains an up-to-date, automatically replenished from open sources ( database of services and places of their receipt.
It does not collect or send any user data to external resources - the selection of services is performed directly on the phone.
Allows you to search for available social services and measures of social support, depending on the user's life situation.
For each of the services, detailed information is available, contact details of the places of receiving the service, navigation to the places of receiving the service using the map application in the mobile phone.
Contains an up-to-date, automatically replenished from open sources ( database of services and places of their receipt.
It does not collect or send any user data to external resources - the selection of services is performed directly on the phone.
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