Now you can make an order at KFC quickly and without standing in the line. Choose your favorite spicy wings, Boxmaster or any other delicious item and pick up your order at the cashier on convenient time or just order food with home delivery.
- Save with KFC.
- Be the first to know about new products, special offers and discounts. In the app you will find all the current coupons available for self-pickup or ordering at restaurants.
- Select a coupon in the app or just say the coupon number to the cashier at the checkout.
- If you are not happy with the dish, we will replace it by the new one without any checking. We guarantee your satisfaction!
Actual menu:
- A full list of dishes to order for home delivery or pickup in a restaurant.
- Learn calorific value, dish composition, or just add more ingredients to your order - cheese, bacon and jalapenos.
- We are constantly expanding the list of cities for home delivery.
- If there is no KFC home delivery in your city you can use Delivery Club.
- Find out the address of the nearest KFC restaurant and its operational hours. For your convenience, you can sort the restaurants using the following options: drive-through, self-pickup, 24-hour work, breakfast and free Wi-Fi.
Register and join the Chicken Club! Order dishes in the app, accumulate points and exchange them for dishes for 1 ruble.
- Save with KFC.
- Be the first to know about new products, special offers and discounts. In the app you will find all the current coupons available for self-pickup or ordering at restaurants.
- Select a coupon in the app or just say the coupon number to the cashier at the checkout.
- If you are not happy with the dish, we will replace it by the new one without any checking. We guarantee your satisfaction!
Actual menu:
- A full list of dishes to order for home delivery or pickup in a restaurant.
- Learn calorific value, dish composition, or just add more ingredients to your order - cheese, bacon and jalapenos.
- We are constantly expanding the list of cities for home delivery.
- If there is no KFC home delivery in your city you can use Delivery Club.
- Find out the address of the nearest KFC restaurant and its operational hours. For your convenience, you can sort the restaurants using the following options: drive-through, self-pickup, 24-hour work, breakfast and free Wi-Fi.
Register and join the Chicken Club! Order dishes in the app, accumulate points and exchange them for dishes for 1 ruble.
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