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Spell Check, Grammar Checker &

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About Spell Check, Grammar Checker &

Our spelling and punctuation-checking app corrects even the most difficult errors with great accuracy and speed.

We have compiled more than 130 English language rules for our code. To improve your written English, you simply insert or directly write your article in the app's window before clicking the "Check text" button.

Whatever it is you may be composing, from simple messages to essays, grammatical, properly punctuated delivery in the right style always produces an impression on the reader. This is why sentence correction is important.

But even specialists sometimes slip in their spell check. Machine grammar checking helps improve the quality of overall grammar and spelling for articles and essays. Our app will not only sift through the text, but display information about the error.

If several suggestions are available, you will be able to pick among them. Words with spelling errors are highlighted in different colors, and you can click on any one, read the error explanation and select a correction.

What does text checking include?

Grammatical errors;
Inappropriate style;
Logical mistakes;
Uppercase-lowercase checking;
General spelling;
Miscellaneous rules.

The app brings to bear over 60 most important rules for punctuation and comma-placing:

Punctuation before conjunctions;
False parenthetic words;
Fixed expressions;
Spaces before punctuation marks.

Spell Check, Grammar Checker & Screenshots