Your personal interactive guide to Victory Park.
Here you will find an interactive map of the park with its main objects in the form of markers on the map. You can determine exactly where you are, as well as decide where to go next.
Information about some objects is presented in the application not only in text form, but also in audio guide format.
For those who want to somehow diversify a simple walk in the Quests section, a small city quest through Victory Park is presented. So, in order to find out each next location, you will have to solve an easy task.
Here you will find an interactive map of the park with its main objects in the form of markers on the map. You can determine exactly where you are, as well as decide where to go next.
Information about some objects is presented in the application not only in text form, but also in audio guide format.
For those who want to somehow diversify a simple walk in the Quests section, a small city quest through Victory Park is presented. So, in order to find out each next location, you will have to solve an easy task.
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