Spanish tale imbued with folk wisdom. They are just as colorful and instructive as Russian folk tales. Arrogant rulers and wise hermit, magical creatures and funny animals - all of these characters will appear before you in the pages of the book.
Acquainted with the method can be used by downloading the free application "Method of reading Ilya Frank."
Appendix promotes effective development of the Spanish language, may serve as a supplement to the curriculum. Designed for students studying Spanish for yourself, as well as for anyone interested in the Spanish culture. At the same time reading the text, you can listen to an audio track, or simply use the application as an audiobook.
Learn English by reading adapted literature (books translated by the method of Ilya Franka®), much easier and more interesting.
The uniqueness of the method Ilya Frank is that memorizing words and expressions is due to their frequency, without learning and the need to use Spanish-Russian dictionary.
Other applications c: Spanish adapted the method Ilya Franka® can be found on request, for example: "Ilya Frank Spanish."
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The annex includes tales:
ElpríncipeTomasitoySanJosé (Prince Tomasito and Saint Joseph)
Elsapoyelratón (Toad and mouse)
ElCristodelconvite (Invited Christ)
El «CastillodeIrásyNoVolverás» (Castle "you go and do not come back")
Perezaytestarudez (laziness and stubbornness)
Laratitapresumida (arrogance mouse)
Elpanderodepieldepiojo (Tambourine skins of lice)
Elpríncipedesmemoriado (forgetful Prince)
Acquainted with the method can be used by downloading the free application "Method of reading Ilya Frank."
Appendix promotes effective development of the Spanish language, may serve as a supplement to the curriculum. Designed for students studying Spanish for yourself, as well as for anyone interested in the Spanish culture. At the same time reading the text, you can listen to an audio track, or simply use the application as an audiobook.
Learn English by reading adapted literature (books translated by the method of Ilya Franka®), much easier and more interesting.
The uniqueness of the method Ilya Frank is that memorizing words and expressions is due to their frequency, without learning and the need to use Spanish-Russian dictionary.
Other applications c: Spanish adapted the method Ilya Franka® can be found on request, for example: "Ilya Frank Spanish."
For more information visit our website support -
The annex includes tales:
ElpríncipeTomasitoySanJosé (Prince Tomasito and Saint Joseph)
Elsapoyelratón (Toad and mouse)
ElCristodelconvite (Invited Christ)
El «CastillodeIrásyNoVolverás» (Castle "you go and do not come back")
Perezaytestarudez (laziness and stubbornness)
Laratitapresumida (arrogance mouse)
Elpanderodepieldepiojo (Tambourine skins of lice)
Elpríncipedesmemoriado (forgetful Prince)
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