Use a simple and convenient way to order a taxi in Armyansk and Krasnoperekopsk. With a mobile application - Economy Taxi is always at hand.
👉 Order a taxi in a couple of seconds
Open the application, enter the address and order a taxi by pressing one button.
⚡️ Checkout even faster
Save the places you frequent. Home, work, friends. Choose from saved options so you don't have to manually enter an address.
🚖 Make your trip more comfortable
Add wishes to the order, write a comment to the driver.
🎁 Get bonuses
Invite friends with a referral code and get bonuses for their trips. And also, for the trips of their friends. Use bonuses to pay for an Economy taxi.
👍 Rate the trip and the driver
Rate your trip with ready-made templates. Add the driver to your favorites if you liked the trip, or thank him with a tip.
📅 Order in advance
Need a car by a specific time and date? Order it in advance through the application, and at the appointed time, a taxi will be waiting for you at the entrance.
🔥 Be the first to know about promotions and news
We will send a notification about the launch of the promotion, tariff changes or new promotional codes. Install the application Economy Taxi, register and stay up to date with all the news and events.
👉 Order a taxi in a couple of seconds
Open the application, enter the address and order a taxi by pressing one button.
⚡️ Checkout even faster
Save the places you frequent. Home, work, friends. Choose from saved options so you don't have to manually enter an address.
🚖 Make your trip more comfortable
Add wishes to the order, write a comment to the driver.
🎁 Get bonuses
Invite friends with a referral code and get bonuses for their trips. And also, for the trips of their friends. Use bonuses to pay for an Economy taxi.
👍 Rate the trip and the driver
Rate your trip with ready-made templates. Add the driver to your favorites if you liked the trip, or thank him with a tip.
📅 Order in advance
Need a car by a specific time and date? Order it in advance through the application, and at the appointed time, a taxi will be waiting for you at the entrance.
🔥 Be the first to know about promotions and news
We will send a notification about the launch of the promotion, tariff changes or new promotional codes. Install the application Economy Taxi, register and stay up to date with all the news and events.
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