TriAR-Kassa is software that will turn your Android smartphone into an online cash register.
TriAR-Kassa is ideal for those who value mobility and speed of service. Supported cash registers:
- Athol
- Shtrikh-M
- Dreamkas
- RR Electro
Integration with Ferma from
You can use a cloud service instead of a physical FN. In this case, only a phone will be needed, and checks will be sent to the buyer electronically.
Features of TriAR-Kassa:
- Acceptance of any type of payment - non-cash, cash SBP or NFC
- Work with TriAR-Retail
- Cloud of goods
- Connecting a scanner, as well as using a camera instead of a scanner
- Connecting multiple cashiers
- Support for FFD 1.2
- Electronic check
- Receipt of receipt (sale) with two types of payment
- Receipt return receipt (return from the buyer)
- Tax rate selection
- Working with markings
- Sales log introduction
- Cash
- Report without cancellation per shift
- Closing the cash register
- Withdrawal of cash
- Directory of goods with a search by name
- Sign of the subject of calculation: product, service and payment
TriAR-Kassa is ideal for those who value mobility and speed of service. Supported cash registers:
- Athol
- Shtrikh-M
- Dreamkas
- RR Electro
Integration with Ferma from
You can use a cloud service instead of a physical FN. In this case, only a phone will be needed, and checks will be sent to the buyer electronically.
Features of TriAR-Kassa:
- Acceptance of any type of payment - non-cash, cash SBP or NFC
- Work with TriAR-Retail
- Cloud of goods
- Connecting a scanner, as well as using a camera instead of a scanner
- Connecting multiple cashiers
- Support for FFD 1.2
- Electronic check
- Receipt of receipt (sale) with two types of payment
- Receipt return receipt (return from the buyer)
- Tax rate selection
- Working with markings
- Sales log introduction
- Cash
- Report without cancellation per shift
- Closing the cash register
- Withdrawal of cash
- Directory of goods with a search by name
- Sign of the subject of calculation: product, service and payment
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