Course Guide manual skills with the basics of clinical anatomy.
Edited by Professor Dr. AA Vorobyov. Study guide for students of medical and pediatric departments.
Since 2013, according to the approved Federal State Educational Standards in the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the course manual skills introduced to the basics of clinical anatomy, which, according to its creators, is to contribute to the development of clinical thinking and the formation of the necessary manual skills for the physician.
Textbook meets the curriculum for the course manual skills with the basics of clinical anatomy for medical students and pediatric faculty of medical schools.
It can be used interns and clinical interns specializing in surgery.
Recommended for publication of educational and methodical commission of topographical anatomy and operative surgery UMO on medical and pharmaceutical education universities in Russia 02.12.2015.
Edited by Professor Dr. AA Vorobyov. Study guide for students of medical and pediatric departments.
Since 2013, according to the approved Federal State Educational Standards in the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the course manual skills introduced to the basics of clinical anatomy, which, according to its creators, is to contribute to the development of clinical thinking and the formation of the necessary manual skills for the physician.
Textbook meets the curriculum for the course manual skills with the basics of clinical anatomy for medical students and pediatric faculty of medical schools.
It can be used interns and clinical interns specializing in surgery.
Recommended for publication of educational and methodical commission of topographical anatomy and operative surgery UMO on medical and pharmaceutical education universities in Russia 02.12.2015.
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