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HTML и CSS на примерах
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About HTML и CSS на примерах

HTML (HyperText Markup Language, Hypertext Markup Language) - is primarily a typesetting system that determines how and what elements should be placed on a web page. Information on this site, the method of its presentation and design depend solely on the developer and the goals it sets itself.

What is the style or CSS (Cascading Style Sheets, cascading style sheets)? Style is a set of formatting options, which is applied to the elements of the document, to change their appearance. Ability to work with styles has long been involved in the development and publishing, word processing, thereby allowing the touch of a button to give the text a given, pre-defined views. Now it is available, and the creators of the site, when the color, text size, and other parameters are stored in a particular place and easily "screwed" to any element.

Another advantage of styles is that they offer many more options for formatting than regular HTML. CSS is a powerful system that extends the design possibilities and layout of web pages.

Any site is displayed in a special viewer called browser. Thus, it appears that the site developers depend on the browser vendors, how correctly and properly, they embody the standards developed by the Consortium W3. The matter is complicated by the fact that there are several popular browsers, and they sometimes have different interpretations of these standards.

Thus, when creating a site you need to solve the following problem - to make a web page desired appearance and to ensure its correct display in popular browsers.

Front end development - it is not just knowledge of the techniques and tricks of creating different effects. This ability to anticipate the result of the actions with the elements of Web pages and understanding of the different browsers that can display a different site. Activities Site Developer akin to the work of the chef, who knows exactly what ingredients and how much you need to put in to improve the taste of the finished dish. Most of the simple but effective recipes contained in this manual will help you create stunning websites and workable.

Perhaps many of the described techniques and you will not be useful, but their main task - to show the possibilities and prospects that are available when you create Web pages.

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