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Jungle Monkey 2

3.9 out of 5
5,000,000+ downloads

About Jungle Monkey 2

New more fun 12 levels, come to play !
Jungle Monkey 2 is a cool running and jumping game. It's an easier version.
Monkey Kong is a brave, agile and lovely monkey, on a beautiful day he went into the jungle to pick up fruits.But the jungle is full of danger,he needs your help !
Would you like to join him to start the exciting adventure in jungle? 1 2 3 GO.

***How to play***
1.Just tap the screen to let the monkey jump.
2.Collect bananas as many as you can,do not fall off the ground.
3.Run to the end of jungle to pass the level.

1.Easy and smooth control and beautiful animation.
2.24 levels and 3 scenes you can play and more levels will be added in future.

Jungle Monkey 2 Screenshots