اليوم تبث إذاعة سلام إسبانيا من مدينة بالنسيا وبرشلونة ومدريد وبكل بقاع العالم البرنامج عام, أي أنه موجه للجميع, شبابا وكبارا, رجالا ونساءا .الأجيال الأولى للهجرة العربية لها تاريخ وذاكرة وتراث لا ينبغي إغفاله بالنسيان, وعلينا واجب حمايته ومشاركته. نحن هم حلقة الوصل بين الماضي والحاضر ، ومعا نبني المستقبل.
salam radio España broadcasts in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid .... The program is general, which means that it is aimed at everyone, young and old, men and women. The first generations of Arab immigration have a history, a memory and a legacies that should not be overlooked with oblivion, and we have a duty to protect and share them. We are the link between the past and the present, and together we build the future.
salam radio España broadcasts in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid .... The program is general, which means that it is aimed at everyone, young and old, men and women. The first generations of Arab immigration have a history, a memory and a legacies that should not be overlooked with oblivion, and we have a duty to protect and share them. We are the link between the past and the present, and together we build the future.
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