This application (without any ads) offers the entire Quran with a contemporary translation, a complete Tafsir (exegesis), tajwid colorization, a thematic index, audio recitations, new search modes, reading programs ... etc
• French translation by Moroccan professor Mohammed Chiadmi from 2001: wording reworked while preserving the meaning, the style is refined and the language supported
• Complete Tafsir Ibn Kathir, accessible by sura and by verse
• Complete thematic index of the Koran (by theme, by names of prophets and by proper names) to explore the holy text
• Tajwid colorization with the meaning of each color
• Search module in French, Arabic and phonetics: the latter allows you to search as you hear it without worrying about the spelling (eg: "kol howa allaho ahad")
• Reading schedule: set a Quran reading goal (start date and duration in days) and let the app suggest a daily reading schedule to achieve it.
• Reading in Arabic by +40 reciters, with the possibility of modifying the reading speed
• Reading in French only or in addition to Arabic
• Navigation by hizb and rub '
• Favorites management
• Bookmarks management
• French translation by Moroccan professor Mohammed Chiadmi from 2001: wording reworked while preserving the meaning, the style is refined and the language supported
• Complete Tafsir Ibn Kathir, accessible by sura and by verse
• Complete thematic index of the Koran (by theme, by names of prophets and by proper names) to explore the holy text
• Tajwid colorization with the meaning of each color
• Search module in French, Arabic and phonetics: the latter allows you to search as you hear it without worrying about the spelling (eg: "kol howa allaho ahad")
• Reading schedule: set a Quran reading goal (start date and duration in days) and let the app suggest a daily reading schedule to achieve it.
• Reading in Arabic by +40 reciters, with the possibility of modifying the reading speed
• Reading in French only or in addition to Arabic
• Navigation by hizb and rub '
• Favorites management
• Bookmarks management
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