School Info is a school friend that helps you to quickly and easily check and obtain school information of all elementary, middle and high schools in the country at a glance.
School Info, where you can check the academic information of all schools in the country in real time at any time in an environment where the Internet is connected without a separate registration or login for the lunch menu, academic calendar, and timetable that were previously received on paper or that could be checked on the school website. Easily check all your academic information through!
SchoolInfo provides all of this information to students, parents, friends, teachers and even principals! How free!
Until then, it was difficult to find school information, right?!
Separate school timetable app.... Separate meal app.... Academic calendar on the homepage...
Oh yes, if you need your school phone number urgently, go to the school homepage...
When you go to school, there aren't one or two things that are really uncomfortable!
The developer also encountered this problem when attending school, and to solve the problem, we created School Info!!
SchoolInfo has integrated all this information into one app!
[Features provided]
1. School breakfast/lunch/dinner meal plan
2. Class timetable
3. Academic Schedule
4. School public information
5. (Specialized high school only) Department list and timetable for each department
6. Clean design app!
** It will be updated continuously in the future ^~^ **
-School Info will be your closest and reliable friend! And we will continue to update them in the future!
* School Info provides data in the Education Administration Information System (NEIS) formally through the Ministry of Education and the Korea Education and Academic Information Service (KERIS).
* If the information is not disclosed by the school, the information cannot be displayed in School Info. If the information is not displayed, ask the school's information disclosure officer to do so.
* School Info is a product of STK produced with the support of STK.
School Info, where you can check the academic information of all schools in the country in real time at any time in an environment where the Internet is connected without a separate registration or login for the lunch menu, academic calendar, and timetable that were previously received on paper or that could be checked on the school website. Easily check all your academic information through!
SchoolInfo provides all of this information to students, parents, friends, teachers and even principals! How free!
Until then, it was difficult to find school information, right?!
Separate school timetable app.... Separate meal app.... Academic calendar on the homepage...
Oh yes, if you need your school phone number urgently, go to the school homepage...
When you go to school, there aren't one or two things that are really uncomfortable!
The developer also encountered this problem when attending school, and to solve the problem, we created School Info!!
SchoolInfo has integrated all this information into one app!
[Features provided]
1. School breakfast/lunch/dinner meal plan
2. Class timetable
3. Academic Schedule
4. School public information
5. (Specialized high school only) Department list and timetable for each department
6. Clean design app!
** It will be updated continuously in the future ^~^ **
-School Info will be your closest and reliable friend! And we will continue to update them in the future!
* School Info provides data in the Education Administration Information System (NEIS) formally through the Ministry of Education and the Korea Education and Academic Information Service (KERIS).
* If the information is not disclosed by the school, the information cannot be displayed in School Info. If the information is not displayed, ask the school's information disclosure officer to do so.
* School Info is a product of STK produced with the support of STK.
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