Decimal to Fraction Converter
Mixed Fraction to decimal number
- Our team developed a simple and efficiency application to convert among decimal, fraction, and mixed fraction number. In general, it is easy to convert from fraction, mixed fraction to decimal, but to do revert conversion is much more complicated because of repeating decimal. Our algorithm can recover recurring decimal to the exactly fraction if fraction part of repeating decimal is more than 6 number. Please take a look at below example for more manual information.
Decimal number: 0.3 --> Fraction 3/10
Decimal number: 0.33 --> Fraction 33/100
Decimal number: 0.333 --> Fraction 333/1000
Decimal number: 0.3333 --> Fraction 3333/10000
Decimal number: 0.33333 --> Fraction 33333/100000
Decimal number: 0.333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Decimal number: 0.3333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Decimal number: 0.33333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Similarity can be applied for other recurring decimal.
Our team wish this app can help users a lots from exercises at school to professional duty at work. Please feel free to give us your feedback to improve our work, and enjoy this free app.
Mixed Fraction to decimal number
- Our team developed a simple and efficiency application to convert among decimal, fraction, and mixed fraction number. In general, it is easy to convert from fraction, mixed fraction to decimal, but to do revert conversion is much more complicated because of repeating decimal. Our algorithm can recover recurring decimal to the exactly fraction if fraction part of repeating decimal is more than 6 number. Please take a look at below example for more manual information.
Decimal number: 0.3 --> Fraction 3/10
Decimal number: 0.33 --> Fraction 33/100
Decimal number: 0.333 --> Fraction 333/1000
Decimal number: 0.3333 --> Fraction 3333/10000
Decimal number: 0.33333 --> Fraction 33333/100000
Decimal number: 0.333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Decimal number: 0.3333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Decimal number: 0.33333333 --> Fraction 1/3
Similarity can be applied for other recurring decimal.
Our team wish this app can help users a lots from exercises at school to professional duty at work. Please feel free to give us your feedback to improve our work, and enjoy this free app.
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