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Vy flygbussarna

Vy flygbussarna
3.3 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Vy flygbussarna

Vy flygbussarna Airport Coaches offers transfer to 7 of Sweden’s largest airports (Arlanda Airport, Bromma Airport, Landvetter Airport, Malmö Airport, Västerås Airport, Skavsta Airport and Visby Airport during summer). With Vy flygbussarna's app you can

- Search and find your departure to/from the airport.
- Buy your tickets to the best price.
- Pay with credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard, Diners and American Express. You can also pay using Swish or Paypal.
- Save and scan your ticket.
- Use our Real time-departure gadget to the see the location of the bus and next departure.
- Access information to customer service and current traffic information.

Welcome aboard!

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