Airsoft Force Tracking:
Application to support the management of the Airsoft battlefield.
The project is independent and based (yet) on voluntary donations.
Do you have objections, ideas, the program does not work properly? Write an email to Give us time to react, and only then add rating here. I develop this project from the year after working hours, and publish it for free and without ads. Please think twice before leave your assessment.
[EN] Need help with translating application. I would be grateful for any help.
[ES] ¿Necesitas ayuda con la traducción de la aplicación. Le agradecería cualquier ayuda.
[IT] Hai bisogno di aiuto con la traduzione di applicazione. Le sarei grato per qualsiasi aiuto.
[CZ] Potřebujete pomoci s překlady aplikaci. Byl bych Vám vděčen za jakoukoliv pomoc.
Application to support the management of the Airsoft battlefield.
The project is independent and based (yet) on voluntary donations.
Do you have objections, ideas, the program does not work properly? Write an email to Give us time to react, and only then add rating here. I develop this project from the year after working hours, and publish it for free and without ads. Please think twice before leave your assessment.
[EN] Need help with translating application. I would be grateful for any help.
[ES] ¿Necesitas ayuda con la traducción de la aplicación. Le agradecería cualquier ayuda.
[IT] Hai bisogno di aiuto con la traduzione di applicazione. Le sarei grato per qualsiasi aiuto.
[CZ] Potřebujete pomoci s překlady aplikaci. Byl bych Vám vděčen za jakoukoliv pomoc.
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