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زیارت عاشورا

4.8 out of 5
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About زیارت عاشورا

💠 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
ارت Ashura Ashura with the beautiful text and sound of Master Farahmandu 14 famous scholars
+ Mentions the number of professions
+ Virtual pilgrimage (live broadcast of the holy shrines of the innocent)

List of editors: Mohsen Farahmand Azad, Mehdi Salahshour, Mansour Aradi, Maysam Motiei, Mehdi Samavati, Mahmoud Karimi, Hassan Barati, Seyed Mehdi Mirdamad, Bass Karbalaie, Mehdi Mansouri, Younes Habibi, Sadegh Ahangar, Hossein Tazavar, Hossein Sazavar, Hassan

برنامه Introducing app features:
🔸 Prayer audio
متن Auto Text Scroll (Text-to-Voice Motion)
هوشمندSmart sound (touching each uphill plays the same downhill audio)
Ability to display and delete Persian translation of prayer
بزرگPossibility of enlarging and lowering the pen

💌 Undoubtedly there is a problem with the software If you have any suggestions or suggestions for improving the program, please email mahdichamanpara@yahoo.com

💻 Designed and Developed by: Shamim Soft

زیارت عاشورا Screenshots