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Master said man also Xiaodi has its good and bad and guilty persons carry fresh Dawson Xiaodi guilty and good for those who are not of too chaotic traffic this gentleman who is also the present legislation of the country and its benevolence
The Master said, trying to be clever fresh carry benevolence
Master said I had three times daily for people seeking disloyalty and friends to pay almost not pass was not a peace letter
Take the State Road Master said Keiji while the letter section and love with people to make time
Confucius disciples into the filial honor and faith of the brother and the Pan-loving public places benevolent had any energy left school text
Yin Yin Zi Xia said color thing parents can easily exhaust their ability Shijun can cause its body and keep its promise to pay a friend, although I must say that the school did not learn men
Confucius gentleman does not re-learning is not solid main faithful Viagra no better than those who have been through the Friends Do not fear change
Master said Zeng Minde reverence for his ancestors owned by thick men
Q sub birds in Zigong said Master As for the state also will hear their affairs and seeking the suppression associated with? Zigong said Master Liang Wen Jian Gong allow to obtain the Master of the request and also the demand of all its egregious human
Master said in the view of the parent-chi, the parent did not watch his deeds no change in three years can be described as filial piety carry on the father of the Road
Classic, good books, completely free, and the content is not embedded in any advertising!
More lasting bonds of books, please refer to the book edge thank goodness
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