Our shopping list has a lot of featues. It has voice input, sharing a single shopping list via whatsapp and the other side can import the list and a lot of other features too.
.You can enter the product name, number and price via voice input and then check all finished products on your wish list.
- The currency symbol can be adjusted
- The time can be changed from 24 hour format to 12 hour format
- The date format can be changed too.
- You can create a shopping list for different markets
- After creating a shopping list, you can make a long click on the name to access the options.
- You can also share a shopping list via Whatsapp and the other person can immediately
import the list into the app.
- A shopping list can be renamed, duplicated, deleted and shared.
- You can schedule a reminder for a specific shopping list and then receive a notification.
.You can enter the product name, number and price via voice input and then check all finished products on your wish list.
- The currency symbol can be adjusted
- The time can be changed from 24 hour format to 12 hour format
- The date format can be changed too.
- You can create a shopping list for different markets
- After creating a shopping list, you can make a long click on the name to access the options.
- You can also share a shopping list via Whatsapp and the other person can immediately
import the list into the app.
- A shopping list can be renamed, duplicated, deleted and shared.
- You can schedule a reminder for a specific shopping list and then receive a notification.
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