Our simulator will help you learn all the theory for the exam in a playful way. You no longer have to pore over hundreds of pages of textbooks, memorize any information directly from your phone: culture, terms, rules, dates, events, authority of authorities, English words and much more.
In the simulator you can:
⁃ choose only the information you need to study
⁃ learn the whole theory for the exam, practicing for half an hour a day
⁃ understand how well each topic is studied for the exam
Trainings are available in English, History and Social Studies.
In the simulator you can:
⁃ choose only the information you need to study
⁃ learn the whole theory for the exam, practicing for half an hour a day
⁃ understand how well each topic is studied for the exam
Trainings are available in English, History and Social Studies.
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